Wash and reuse MinION Flow Cells to maximise output and reduce cost per sample.
Wash flow cells and rerun with fresh samples
Useful when samples are run on demand, rather than batching
Extend life of flow cell
Sufficient reagents to perform six flow cell washes
Analysis of sequence information on any Oxford Nanopore platform occurs in real-time, allowing users to run a flow cell until sufficient data has been collected to fulfil the experimental requirements, at which point the run can be stopped.
The Flow Cell Wash Kit provides a highly effective means of removing a library that has been loaded onto a flow cell. Once the library has been removed, the flow cell can be re-used immediately, or stored for later usage.
The Flow Cell Wash Kit is based on the use of a nuclease to digest and remove nucleic acid that has been loaded onto the flow cell. The washing procedure is very effective with as little as 0.1% of any previously loaded sample contaminating a subsequent run.
However, as some contamination from the previous sample may be observed after using the Flow Cell Wash Kit, it is recommended that when running multiple samples sequentially, the samples are barcoded to allow filtering of sequences from the remains of previously run samples.
The Flow Cell Wash Kit can be used with all Oxford Nanopore sequencing kits.
Delivery information:Flow cells and kits are shipped together at 2 to 8 °C. Upon receipt, please place the product in a long-term storage location at ‒20 °C. Oxford Nanopore Technologies deem the useful life of the product to be three months from receipt by the customer.
Caution:Oxford Nanopore Technologies products are not intended for use for health assessment or to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
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