Invitrogen™ Proteinase K Solution (20 mg/mL), RNA grade - 25-530-049/25530049
Proteinase K from the fungus Engyodontium album is a nonspecific serine protease that is useful for general digestion of proteins.
Removal of endogenous nucleases during the preparation of DNA and RNA; preparation of tissue sections for in situ hybridization.
Performance and quality testing
Endodeoxyribonuclease and exodeoxyribonuclease assays; liquid form tested for absence of RNase activity.
Unit definition
One mAnson unit is described as that amount of enzyme that liberates 1µmole of Folin-positive amino acid within one minute at 37°C using hemoglobin as a substrate.
ChIP-on-Chip, Chromatin Biology, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), DNA and RNA Purification and Analysis, DNA Extraction, General RNA Purification Reagents and Accessories, General gDNA Purification Reagents and Accessories, Genomic DNA Purification, RNA Extraction, RNAi, Epigenetics and Non-Coding RNA Research, Total RNA Isolation
20 mg/mL | |
Chromatin Biology/RNA Extraction/DNA Extraction | |
Approved for shipment on Wet or Dry Ice | |
Proteinase K |
DNase-Free, RNase-Free | |
Store in freezer (-5 to -30°C). | |
5 mL | |
Liquid |